About Our Grants
Our grant program is something that we take very seriously. We understand that at times financial obstacles can become quite daunting. We also understand that at times, just paying our bills is not enough. Our grant program is designed to be a hand up not a hand out to our veterans. We have a specific criteria for which it must be used. What we require is the grant be used to assist the veteran and their family in a healthy and successful transition. Grants are only awarded once per veteran, this is so that we can award grants to other veterans in need. If a grant is not approved we will issue local resources to a veteran for additional help. We want to reiterate that we are NOT an emergency fund and our process will take time.
All of our grants are considered on a case-by-case basis, by our Board of Directors, with special consideration
Our grants are available to Post 9/11 veterans that reside in or moving to Kern County, CA. Veterans must have a current disability rating with the VA or be in the process of obtaining a disability rating from the VA. Discharge of Honorable, General Under Honorable, or General.
NOTE: WHF recognizes that not all wounds of war are visible. Decisions on financial assistance are made on a case-by-case basis by the WHF board, taking into account the needs of veterans based on their military medical backgrounds and current situations.
Our Grant Process
You will be contacted by our Grant Coordinator and given an initial interview ,Once a grant request has been completed, with all of the required documents, and you have seen our financial counselor, the grant will be submitted to the board of directors for approval. Please allow up to 30 days for grant to be voted on upon submission.(please note that applications without the supporting documents will NOT be accepted) you will be contacted as soon as possible if all proper documentation has been submitted to schedule and interview with the grant coordinator. You must also register with us here before beginning the process.
Disclaimer: Grants do not pay for child support, credit cards, court fees, traffic violations, funeral expenses , and college tuition.
Email Jeff@thewoundedheroesfund.org the following items: DD-214, VA Disability Award letter, and any bills you need assistance with.