Food Basket Program
The Veteran community is one of the hardest hit populations when it comes to food insecurities. Our Food Pantry provides
Emergency food kits
Welcome home kits
Monthly food baskets
Holiday food baskets
Nutrition classes

The purchase and transport of goods can be very difficult at times.
Thankfully, our supporters and volunteers help ease the process that goes into helping the veteran families of Kern County.
Here are pictures of our most recent supporters that came to our aide.

All food is sourced from local grocery stores and donors big and small!
Such as organizations such as CAPK and individual citizens of Kern County.
All food is purchased straight from the grocery store the day before our food basket giveaway, to insure Veteran families get fresh food and goods.
Give us a call to sign up for our next giveaway!
(661) 328-8600

All Emergency Food Kits are meant to sustain our Veterans up to one week.
Although there is no limit on how many Emergency Food Kits a Veteran can get a week they are distributed based on the needs of the Veteran.
Food kits come in the form of either to bags or a bag and a box.
Missed one of our food basket giveaways and are in dire need of food?
Our Emergency Food Kits are available Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Below is a photo of what veterans can expect to find in each of our Emergency Food Kits. Although not all items will remain the exact same, you can expect a variety of small goods and water to hold you over until our next food basket.